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Contribute to the Historical Archives

There are several sections to this Archive Gallery, which will grow and develop over time.

Any contributions are welcome and we would ask that you upload any images or materials that you think are relevant are prepared to share using the attached form.


Please include

  • the name of the troupe,
  • the location,
  • the year,
  • and any other details (including any credit or copyright info).

and once we have confirmed that it is not already on file, we will add it to the database of images.

This process might take us some time as we have many photos to look through, so please bear with us.

There is also a comments and enquiries form below, to which we shall attempt to respond as speedily as possible.

You can also send your contribution to: info@seasidefollies.co.uk

We already have a collection of images and information about Pierrots on our website www.prom-prom.com

Use this form to send us photos or materials for the Archive Gallery

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