Gwefan Y Pierrotters
Y Pierrotters 1983 – 2009

Mae’r Pierrotters wedi darparu reiat o adloniant teuluol i gynulleidfaoedd ar hyd a lled arfordir balmaidd Prydain ers 1983. Yn eu ffordd cwbl unigryw a chwbl symudol eu hunain, daeth y Pierrotters â’u cymysgedd unigryw o ganeuon acapela, baledi hyfryd, actau theatr gerdd a roc a rôl i glustiau cynulleidfaoedd â’u bryd ar haul a hwyl mewn ffordd gwirioneddol gyfoes!
Yn eu gwisgoedd llawn o satin gwyn a phompomau duon, llwyddai’r Pierotters i roi eu cynulleidfa yn eu dyblau’n chwerthin neu yn eu dagrau wrth iddynt orwedd yn eu cadeiriau cynfas yn yfed te neu’n llymeitian cwrw. Gellid eu gweld mewn unrhyw ddigwyddiad awyr agored, gŵyl, clwb, gwesty, cartrefi’r henoed, theatr gerdd, digwyddiad dinesig neu berfformiad ar ben draw pier.
Having toured every summer for over a quarter of a century, The Pierrotters are currently resting their pom-poms and are not taking any bookings, except by special request. In the meantime, feel free to have a gander at these little snippets of the Rotters in action!
The Pierrotters on video
The Pierrotters – Live 2005

1. Aching in my heart
2. Seashells – Malcolm Boyle
3. The Seas Kissing the Shingle – Jake Rodrigues
4. Sweet as Tea
5. I do like to be beside the seaside
6. Lazing on a sunny afternoon
7. Don’t do it again Matilda
8. Bogey Wail
9. Deep Sea Blues
The Pierrotters on the wireless radio
“The Pierrotters on Tour” from BBC Radio 4 Kaleidoscope by The Pierrotters. Released: 1995.
The Very Best of the Pierrotters 1983 -93

1. The Sun Has Got His Hat On
2. Deep Sea Blues
3. Tubas in the Moonlight
4. Pasadena
5. Painting the Clouds with Sunshine
6. Satisfaction
7. Deep Sea Blues (megamix)
8. Summertime
9. Seashells
10. Goodbye